Episode 44 !

HI EVERYONE THIS WEEKEND I HAD A DEPPRESSIVE SPIRAL AND FAMILY GUY GAVE ME A REASON TO LIVE. now i am in mad gay love with brian griffin. i know what you're thinkin' "randy likes an ex centrist pretentious LIBERAL?!?!? well yes i do... but i can fix him !! i'll make him an ancom ! also bc of my deppression i couldnt turn in my notes lol but its fine whats one zero (no puppy thats what)
hi in govt soooo eepy,,, also im normal ab family guy okay haha I GOT DISCORD NITRO FOR FREE TODAY :D #PAWESOME !! I wish i could draw brian better.... and i wish i had more time to draw him instead of havin to do school work !!! sobs
in a lunch rn for that one club kinda lonely but its alright ! i should practice drawin bri n meg n sthe stew-man
in uh last period and im stallin on drawin' more brian but i wanna do a webpage dedicated to either him, randy, or moni.... hmmmm.... maybe ill put meg n stewie on the list !