Special Occasions

  1. Do you celebrate her birthday?

    Yes! Every september 22, I visited her.

    I don't normally throw a party or anything of the like, but I enjoy spending time with her. If she were here, I'd like to imagine us throwing a small party for her with her loved ones.

  2. What would you get him for his birthday?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  3. Would he like a party, or something more intimate?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  4. Would you have any birthday traditions?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  5. Are you astrologically compatible?


    She's a Virgo and I'm a Pisces, we're extremely compatible!

  6. What does your ideal holiday with husbando look like?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  7. Does he prefer the beach or the mountains?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  8. What is his preferred method of travel? (e.g. train, plane, boat)

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  9. Would he act different while on vacation?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  10. How would you spend Valentine's Day with him?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  11. How does he feel about the holiday? Is he cynical, supportive, etc.?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  12. Pick out a cheesy Valentine's themed item to gift each other.

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  13. What would his costume be on Halloween?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  14. Are you two going trick-or-treating?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  15. Does he prefer tricks or treats?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  16. What is his favourite type of candy?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  17. How would he feel about scary movies?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  18. How would he feel about the holiday season?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  19. What Christmastime tradition is his favourite?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  20. You and your husbando realize you are under mistletoe! How does he react?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  21. Is he better about giving gifts or receiving them?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  22. If he didn't like a gift, would he tell you, or would he try to like it because he loves you?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  23. What kind of gift would you want to receive from him?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  24. Does he have any end-of-year traditions?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  25. Does he make resolutions?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  26. Would he have any trouble staying up late?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  27. What is your husbando doing when the date rolls over?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  28. Does he continue partying into the next day, or does he go back to "normal?"

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  29. When is your anniversary? How long have you been together?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  30. What would he do to celebrate your anniversary?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  31. How long do you think you will be together?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  32. When did you discover your husbando?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  33. What was your first impression of him?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  34. What made him stand out from others?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  35. When did your romantic longing begin?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  36. At the time, would you have guessed how important he'd be to your life?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  37. What kind of engagement ring would he like?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  38. How will the proposal go?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  39. What would you want your wedding to be like?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  40. What are your marriage vows?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  41. Which song would you play for your first dance as a married couple?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  42. Where would you like to go on a honeymoon?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.