HAPPY HALLOWZEVE !!!!!!!!! I've alwayz been more of a christmas lad but i love halloween too !!! im sooo excited 2 c my friends 2day :3 i just got 2 deal w 2 testz 2day tho DX I also decided 2 make the color scheme diff for this post ! halloweeeen !!! :D ill update whenever i get 2 c my friends and eat pizza n stuff :3
i love talkin in the dg gc every1 iz soooo nice :D i end up stimming a bunch tho bc nerves and my classmates must think im so weird lololo
ALSO I GOT A 38% ON MY MATH TEST ???? I think its bc the bot is dumb.... xC
HIIII SO THE HALLOWEEN WAS SOOO FUN MY FRIEND WAS LATE AND HAD 2 LEAVE EARLY BUT ITZ OK BC THEY COULDNT CONTROL IT !!!!! it was bc they gotsa take care of their siblings kids a lot bc the sister is goin 2 college n all, so its not his fault at all !!!! while waitin i made a new fren from their friends and theyre suuuuper cool :) we went 2 the park then the mall and we ate at redbowl and then we went BACK 2 THE PARK and when we went back we finally saw my original friend todo :3 the new friend damien is super cool and theyre 18 and theyve worked a buncha diff jobz X) they also like danganronpa and persona and splatoon and and doki doki lit club and sooo many games i like and theyre a voice actor for the project sekai fandub !!!! itz super cool :)) i also hung out w my brother at the same time bc hes also my best friend even if hes mean sometimes :) after the trick or treatin (didnt get much candy this year Dx) we went home and i went 2 bed while m best friends were havin a sleepover since m not allowed to have sleepoverz,, uhmmm nothn much has happened !!! i'm updating the day after bc sm stuff happened it waz rllyyyy fun :))) oki byebyeee ! ^_^