Blog Post #4!


HAIIII EVERY1 !!! i am in first period rn and itz fun :3 uhhhh i have such BAD GRADES IN MY COLLEGE MATH CLASS RAHHHHHHH !!! its bc i never turn in hw,,,, curse my unmotivation bc im too sad all the time,,, uhhh newayz i got on my bus today ^_^ i also submitted my eng assignment that was overdue by 6 days,,, ehehehe,,, uhhhhhhhhmmmmmm other than that so far nothn has happened excpet for dreams that r hard 2 remember,, yaya ^_^ after class im going to work on my math work and maybe essay ! i totallyyyyy wont use mathaway >:3c maybe ill raise my grade,, oh my gawd i am NOT looking fowardz to my dean coming back from being sick,,, shes going to SCREAM AT ME!!! at least the freshiez r defo gna b first on her anger train,,, im also going to have 2 do tutoring sighs,, however it might be good for me sometimes goin back 2 my hs makez me sad sighs

haiii im supposed to b wrkn on my annotated bib but im so spacey rnnn XC i wsh i hd some1 2 talk 2 sighzzzz,, itz hard 2 focus bc ive been so,, bummbed out recently idk,,, ik no one rlly readz this so i dont have 2 worry ab anyone judgin theze but ive been so,,,, sad and terrible and i cnt even focus on school ! Xc itz rlly hard 2 make and talk 2 friendz too,,, gahhhhhhh this iz soo cringe....... sorry gettin all negative i just feel like a big dummy.. bleh......... this is. abit silly but i wish i culd feel like someone cared ab me ik some ppl do but idk,,, it shard 2 believe. errrrrr if i anything happens 2 me that iz bad i hope u guyz know i will make an update before hand if i can ! ^_^ okiez i gotta focus on my bib byebye !!

hi i didnt finish the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wazzit called the uhh bib but i do have to finish my essay and my hw when i go home,,, i hope those 2 silly silliez remind me 2 do it

xlasses lesson ended 40 mins early so we just chqatted and we went early it was fun !!! we talked ab anime and video games w my teacher it was rlly rad :3 my frens dumpling was soooo good ^_^


HAIIIII IT WAS SOOOO FUN MY GROUP DID A DIFF DESIGN FOR EACH SIDE !!! I DID THE DANGER DAYZ SPIDER BUT IT LOOKS SOO BAD HAHA !!UHHHHHHHH ILL SHOW PICS ^_^ I RLLY LIKE IT !!! mine looked superrrr bad tho hehe ! my frens made such good designs ! the amongus was unfinished thats why theres a lil mini cross by it haha