Hello everyone! I've been revamping this blog page for about 3-4 days now, and I think it's ready to launch! I'm really proud of the progress I've made here ^_^ ! I have so much to tell you all! I'll start with my birthday that was yesterday, I'm now officially 17!
Yesterday my mom made me bed in breakfast, and I got dressed up in the best outfit EVER!!!!! (Problemo mexican troll face, minecraft heelies, bootcut jeans, and 2 belts.) I then went to school and had a swell day :) my frands Mari n Corv weren't there to hang out at the carloop bc Corv didn't come and Mari had to head home early, but my other friends were there so it was okay! I then went home and waited for my mom to come. We got thai food when she did, and she said she'd be me the Nintendo Switch OLED since my original Switches M92 chip fried! I was sooo happy! We got ice cream after and we got the OLED and i hopped on Splatoon! I can't wait to finally play Side Order! I went to sleep a bit late, so I'm a bit tired now. That's okay though, yesterday was so fun! On Sunday, me and my friends are gonna go to my house and have fun and eat yummy food. I am so so so so excited!!!!
Right now I just finished a test, so I have time to do some talking I've been wanting to do on here. There was this one family guy meme that shifted my perception on how I look at the world (terrible start, I know), It was the soul watching the mind watching the body or something along those lines. I really relate to it! I have always felt disconnected from my mind, as if I could watch it mechanize, and watching how it controls my body. I do not feel like my mind or body, just a being of light that is always watching. I suppose that means I am my soul foremost. I believe in reincarnation, but you choose where and how and if you want to or not. It's how you learn. When a new soul is born, It's more connected to it's body (it's base instincts, it's need for survival, ect.), and the more it reincarnates, the more it learns to seperate itself from it's body and more into it's mind (where the ego, curiosity, and humanity lay.) is. There is a stage after this however! The more connected to the spirits of other humans, detatching from the mind itself to it's own soul. It then can finish reincarnating, and help protect souls learning their way. I think I might be on my last few lives, and that's okay! I just have to enjoy this one. The body feels too small for my mind, but the mind feels too small for my soul. It's like I'm trapped in a prison inside a prison. I like my mind prison though, it gives me so much recourses to make and do and think, and thinking is my favorite thing to do! I enjoy the cosmic human experience so far, even if I do not mentally feel human.
I'm really excited to play Splatoon when I'm home! I hope I can play it with some pals. I've made this friend in about november and I've gotten real close to her! She's the sweetest and funniest gal I've ever met! I've been hanging out w her sm, I never get to do that with a lot of my friends! I hope we can get even closer :)