Thank you for bearing with me and sticking with me for so long everyone, I'll be out of your hair now. I dont want anyone to check anything else on this site except for those who were allowed before. I do have a list of things to be taken care of in my absence.
Thank you for everything. I really appreciate it. No one caused this except for myself
I love you Mom, Dad, Kluivert, Kevin, Aubelita, Aubelito, Tia Yudy, Tio Fide, Tia rosi, Pipo, Harold, Camillo, Pichi, and everyone in my family. Thank you for helping me despite my ITP and allergies and annoyances.
I love you Marigold, thank you for wanting to spend your life with me for so long, despite what we may be. Thank you Corv for being my friend for so long and through every change we have been through. Thank you both of you for loving me and everyone so much you'd survive for this long. I'm sorry I couldn't do the same and I'm sorry for repeating so many of the same mistakes. You won't have to deal with it again.
Stay safe for me, okay?